4 The Emperor

The Emperor of the Incidental Tarot

I’ve written about the Emperor before. It was a dreary Monday last October…ironically, a day I was feeling rudderless and disempowered. I had just finished drawing the last of the Incidental Tarot cards, and was now back to the stressful yo-yo of the job search, and wondering how I was going to fare in the next six months.  It was not an inspiring day in any way, and I was grasping for the strength the Emperor offered to push forward and take hold of my life again.

Since launching this new Incidental Tarot site a couple of months ago, I began reposting the Major Arcana cards in chronological order; and today, once again I’m struck with the urge to write about the Emperor, which is perfect since he was next in the cue…just waiting for this moment.  I’m going to throw in some excerpts from my original musing last October in today’s post, to give you some perspective.

The theme of the Emperor today: Power and Oppression.

Revolution has been a-brewing since I first wrote about the Emperor.  The winds of scandal have been blowing furiously in recent weeks; a veritable cyclone of gender issues, women’s rights and public policy relating to both these has entrenched itself into the public consciousness. Perhaps the climate has been just right, with the radical fever of the Occupy Movement taking hold in the hearts and minds of everyday people all over the world…or maybe we are simply on the crux of another phenomenal leap of social consciousness, which is my sincerest hope.  Whatever the reasons, it is clear to me that the Emperor’s influence is rampant right now.

The duality of the Emperor lies in the precarious relationship between Power and Oppression.  Power itself is a pendulum; in its highest aspect, it liberates and elevates all to success and fulfillment.  In its basest aspect, it embodies the worst form of self-aggrandizement at the expense of others, discrimination and segregation.  We are in the throes of that duality right now.

The uprising began with a volcanic eruption within the pagan community over the exclusion and disrespect of transgender people by another group, and has continued to morph into a blazing outrage over Rush Limbaugh’s latest disgustingly public misogynistic rant.   Presumably, under the auspices of discrediting President Obama’s health care bill(s), Limbaugh viciously targeted a single woman who was fighting for the right (of all women) to have reproductive health care coverage. How do these two upheavals relate to the Emperor, you might ask?  They perfectly illustrate the conflict between arbitrary power and those fighting to overcome it.

“The Emperor represents earthly power and authority.  Leaders, kings and politicians look to the Emperor’s influence, a model for conquering obstacles and blazing a path to success and prosperity. No small shoes to fill, that’s for sure.  But the Emperor’s reach need not be as wide as the rule of entire countries. The real scope of the Emperor is over the bounds of his own destiny.”

The real scope of the Emperor’s reach is over the bounds of his own destiny.  Yes, I do believe that.  But I would like to amend that phrase now to “OUR own destiny.”  Our…Ours…Us, United.  We can no longer just aim for own rights and comfort and success.  Personal power is not simply limited to how we see ourselves as individuals and our place in the world; it is our god or goddess-given birthright as human beings and must be fought for—for the good of all.  To be denied any human right or respect or dignity because of gender, sexual orientation or spiritual belief is inexcusable on every level.  The Emperor’s most beneficent influence—no, rather the Emperor’s command is spreading across the divides of the disempowered.  SPEAK, ACT, ADVOCATE.  For yourselves and your brothers and sisters.

The rise of a just and powerful leader comes directly from the overwhelming need of a people to be heard, to be valued as individuals, their rights fought for when they cannot fight for themselves.  The Emperor UNITES the people, leading by example, empowering them to stand up for themselves, giving them strength in unity.   He is the ultimate inspiration to those who fight for freedom and dignity of all.

“The Emperor represents assertive action toward your goals, and the power to back it up.”

Yes, the Emperor represents authority and earthly power…but at his core, the Emperor is father, ruler and protector of his people; his obligation is to elevate—not subjugate—and empower every last soul under his influence to become responsible for his or her own destiny.  The Emperor is ordering us to claim our collective liberty: personal, social and political.  Revolt against the arbitrary powers that seek to discredit you, to disempower you, to rape your rights as a human being on this planet!  The time for quietly suffering in oppression is no more.

As one intelligent and eloquent woman, a Dr. Walton, PHd, put it succinctly (thank you internetz):

“We, the Women of America, want to express our deep felt appreciation for throwing down the gauntlet. You have awakened a sleeping giant. You have given us the power to crush the Republican party.  We are coming after all elected officials, Republican or Democrat who have failed us miserably.  Smart strong women are coming after you.”

The Emperor has been sleeping; it is true.  But all those fever dreams have finally awakened him (or her, if you like) to a surge of need.  The Emperor can be our collective role model rather than a symbol of human tyranny…encouraging us to stand up to discrimation, injustice, and oppression.  To re-empower ourselves and reclaim our lives and our future.

“We are ultimately the only party that can best identify and heal our weaknesses. And when we have done that, others will look to us with inspiration to surmount their own obstacles. The great gift of the Emperor is that his power begets the power of his followers.”