The Incidental Tarot - "A posse ad esse"  From possibility to actuality


I have no words today. I can only share with you this song that gives me comfort in times of grief and confusion.

13 Death

The Incidental Tarot: Death

Nature Boy (version by Chris Whitley, 1960-2005)

There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy
They say he traveled very far, very far
Over land and sea.
A little shy, and sad of eye; but very wise was he.
And then one day…one magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
The fairest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.


Justice: Striking a Balance

11 Justice

The Incidental Tarot: Justice

This seems to be a theme for me lately, as well as a meta-theme in global politics.  I find myself drawing parallels between tarot and politics a lot recently, perhaps as a result of the impending election here in the U.S. We seem to be, as a country and an aspect of the emerging global community, rife right now with imbalance at every level of society. From the disparity between the rich and ever-growing-richer, to the war on women, to rampant discrimination of people based on race, sex, sexuality or religion. In some ways, the underlying movement here seems to be a destructive tension, the painful stretching of our social fabric. The collapse of our economy and massive paradigm shifts that are erupting in our way of life have polarized civilized people against each other in unthinkable ways.  Hatred is amplified by misfortune, and when misfortune abounds, distrust and intolerance of anyone outside the perception of safety spins out of control. It’s a chain reaction, and we’ve traveled very far down that chain in the last decade, for all the progress we’ve made as a nation in the last 100 years.

Freedom is our ultimate aspiration as Americans. But Freedom is too often misunderstood as an “all or nothing” ideal. The truth is, there is no Freedom without Consequence; it is a perpetual balancing act. The pursuit of Freedom requires judgment, moderation, and responsibility.

Nature always rights herself. And though we actively seek to remove ourselves from her, humankind is a product of Nature. We are one branch of an infinite tree of life. And though that branch may have grown far, far from its root, it is still connected. The force of Nature is working through us as a species right now, seeking to right disparities and restore balance. The pendulum is swinging back towards center, and as it reaches toward this profound shifting of consciousness, we are experiencing the violent backlash of fear and uncertainty. The consequences of our flight from Freedom.

Justice represents this struggle to regain balance, to reset the scales and restore our relationships to each other and to the planet. Justice is a card that resonates with our earthly constructs of balance, fairness and responsibility, therefore it works through our social and political constructs. Government, law, and the judicial system are the ethical filters through which we function as a nation. Spiritual laws and systems find their expression in Awakening (Judgment), and pertain more to the individual than the society in which he lives. This is not to say that the shifting paradigms we are experiencing in America and the rest of the world do not have a spiritual element; they most certainly do. But the structure must be forged through Justice’s vibration first, then fine-tuned to each person’ spiritual frequency.

Justice brings to us the hope of remediation, the righting of past wrongs and the restoration of harmony. It is up to us, as individuals, community members, and countrymen to work together to let Justice ring true to her calling.

In keeping with this theme of balance and the righting of injustice, I am in the process of organizing a large scale collaborative art project called Columbia Rising. In short, it is an effort to revive the feminine personification of America, once known poetically as Columbia. I’ve blogged on my personal page about how I came up with the project here. There is also a Facebook group forming of people interested in joining the project, please contact me at if you want to join the project.

E Pluribus Unum.



Triskelion: the Wheel weaves…

10 Triskelion

Triskelion: The Wheel of Fortune of the Incidental Tarot

And the wheel turns; it turns.

I’ve always known that each card of the Tarot—the Major and Minor Arcanas—has a twofold meaning.  Not just right or reversed, but a shadow if you will.  Just as every person on the earth casts a shadow when the sun shines on them, so does every trump when it is pulled for a reading.  The Wheel of Fortune is no exception; in fact, its shadow may be one of the Tarot’s most frightening…because it is completely unpredictable.

Triskelion, the Incidental Tarot’s Wheel of Fortune, is a metaphor for the movement of the world and all its interconnectedness. One cannot force it to turn, or even to reveal where in its rotation it is at any given point. Unlike the Red King, who has the force of will and the power of magic to manifest his desires into being, Triskelion represents the heretofore unseen manifestations of our thoughts and actions coming forth.  And not just our own manifestations, but the collective expression of all lives and fates that come into contact with us.

Composed in whimsical greens, blues and purples, the colors of Triskelion reflect the high vibrations of its nature. The warm greens represent growth, movement and prosperity, the blues for peace and tranquility, and violet for the spirit’s connection to the universe. But don’t be deceived, the Wheel turns through all the colors of the rainbow; when one side of it is basking in the sun, the opposite side may be shrouded in darkness.

I have recently found myself riding the rollercoaster of the Triskelion’s movement.  My job has recently experienced a completely unexpected turn of fortune.  Working for an established non-profit seemed to be a lucky stroke of grace for me (one who has been  a struggling self-employed artist for most of my life). It is an organization with two decades of growth and an ever-widening sphere of influence, a seemingly failsafe position.  In the current economy of scarcity and fear, I know just how lucky I am to have found this place, and thank the stars for that blessing every day.  But in recent weeks it became clear that the primary funder for our program had disappeared (literally and figuratively), and last week a very difficult decision was made.

Again, I was one of the lucky.  But two wonderful people who each gave a decade of their lives to the work were let go, and in an office of just 7…it is like having your legs cut off.

That is the shadow of the Wheel at work.

We have no control—over anything really.  We can plan and work and hope and dream, but when Triskelion rolls through our lives, it can roll right into the mud. We are pinned, powerless.  Or sometimes even worse, we can end up with a tremulous hold near the top, watching helplessly as our friends and loved ones disappear beneath the wheel. It is the way of Nature at times: eternal, dispassionate, random.  But the redeeming virtue we must not forget when we are in the mire, is that the Wheel never stops turning, and will always naturally come back into the light.

Inspired by last week’s experience, I created a collage for the Wheel of Fortune.  Here it is, with its full range of beauty, intrigue and fear.

The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune

Some call it luck, some call it fate. Triskelion is a symbol of the trifold pattern of thought, action and consequence. The number three is sacred in almost every spiritual belief system. The Threefold Law, the Triple Goddess (maiden mother and crone), the Hindu Trimurti, and the Christian Trinity are all reflections of Triskelion. Each wave rolls out of the one before it, and each gives birth to the next in a continuous flowing form. Birth, life and death. Growth, prosperity, loss. Misfortune, redemption, destiny. All these patterns embody the essence of Triskelion, the threefold Wheel in motion that governs the energy of the Universe.

In a reading, Triskelion represents the turnings of Fate that the querent may have no conscious control over. It is almost always a card of great positivity, signifying good fortune, completion, and gratification. It can also represent unforeseen windfalls and unexpected strokes of luck. The surprise element of this card comes from the fact that we can never have complete knowledge or control over our destiny, and Triskelion appears to let us know that even when we feel out of control and fear misfortune or loss, the universe has our back. It tells us that the workings of Nature are still mysterious even to the adept, and to trust in its inherently benevolent nature.

To define Triskelion in a word: FORTUNE.

REVERSED. The stalling or impeding of plans; trying too hard to force change or influence results. Unforeseen consequences, unintended side-effects.


A Time of Solitude

Solitude…the blessing and the curse of the sensitive soul.

9 Blue Buddha

Blue Buddha: The Hermit of the Incidental Tarot

I am an only child, and grew up completely at ease and happy in the company of myself.  I think intensely; I make connections; I draw deeply from the well of my creativity when I am alone.  But solitude is not always easy to obtain, especially once you become entrenched in the responsibilities of adulthood.  It can be exceedingly difficult to take time out in this fast paced, hyper-stimulated world.  We are always on the go, ever encouraged—even demanded—to think more, act more, produce more!  And yet the well, though it has an infinite supply of inspiration, can drift further and further away from us as we overload our minds with data and burden ourselves with higher expectations on a daily basis.  We get confused, stressed, overwhelmed, lost.

There is a balance we must strike between being productive and being receptive or at rest that is often best sought in solitude, away from the chaos of the outside world, away from the busy brains and agendas of our compatriots.  In solitude we can calm the mind, soothe the heart and empty ourselves of the trivial and distracting details that hold us back from achieving our destiny.  I was reminded of this frequently during my daily art challenge; it could feel extremely burdensome at times, when it seemed there was just not time enough in a day to accomplish all the goals I’d set out for myself.  Inevitably, if I didn’t take the time to “disconnect” and empty myself of expectations, whether creative or mundane, creative burnout followed and all my efforts were marked for failure.

Trump #9, in traditional decks known as the Hermit, is pictured as the Blue Buddha in the Incidental Tarot.  He is the seeker of knowledge and wisdom, he who is at peace in solitude.  In Eastern traditions, this blue-skinned figure is also the Medicine Buddha, a healing aspect of the universal buddha nature.  Blue is a spiritual color; it denotes peace, tranquility, and healing.  Blue Buddha finds the path to his enlightenment through disconnection with the details of daily life and a reconnection with Nature, the wider sphere of existence. The path of this Seeker is ultimately a solitary one.  By becoming completely removed and empty, he is open to the enlightenment of the star above him.   But solitary does not mean alone indefinitely; by disconnecting from the commotion of daily necessities, Blue Buddha opens to the pure, peaceful energy of the universe.

Blue Buddha

Blue Buddha Tarot Pendant on Etsy*

This card suggests a cleansing of cares…of the tedium we accumulate in our jobs, our relationships, our desires. Once refreshed by this experience, he can return to the world with a new vigor and a new approach to solving problems. He began as the Seeker and is transformed in his purposeful solitude into a dispenser of spiritual medicine to those who now seek his guidance.  On a broader scale, Blue Buddha represents a person who is drawn to the spiritual nature of life. Gentle and wise, he has an inherently calm demeanor that gives comfort and guidance to those who seek his friendship.

The flip side of Blue Buddha…the “curse” aspect of seeking solitude, is that there is always a danger of retreating too far, of alienating the outside world and the people who love you and wish you well.  “Loner,” “introvert,” and “recluse” might be ascribed to those whose pendulum swings far to the side of solitude and withdrawal. It is important to communicate the need for retreat and respite in a way that does not devalue the guidance and support of your loved ones.  For myself, I’ve learned that not everyone can understand an only child’s need reclaim their aloneness.  So in order to honor myself, mine is a daily practice of taking time out and nurturing what needs attention most in my soul, while still communicating my appreciation to those that love me.

READING BLUE BUDDHA:  Blue Buddha can represent the seeker himself, or the object of the search: guidance, wisdom, enlightenment. The means to this card’s message is the same: purposeful disconnection, meditation, solitude and spiritual healing.  Blue Buddha can also indicate a mentor or guide that can assist the Querent in his quest for peace of mind, meaning, and guidance. Profound insights can arise from a quieted mind, and also be channeled through it from the divine source. This meditative reprieve can be addressed on a small scale, such as taking a half-hour walk each day to clear the mind, or a larger one, like a long weekend camping trip in the great outdoors.  In whatever form feels best for the Querent, Blue Buddha advises a well-deserved respite.  A little bit of personal healing time and rejuvenation can do wonders for the stressed-out soul seeking counsel.

To define Blue Buddha in a word: SOLITUDE.

Reversed.  Overworked, stressed, disillusioned, lost.  Imprisoned by the material world and its responsibilities, or an inability to disconnect from its burdens.  Looking for answers in the wrong places, or refusing to look at all.  Succumbing to overwhelming stress.

* For a full catalog of the Major Arcana pendants available, see the Incidental Tarot section of my Etsy shop.


Gryphon…a leap of faith

8 Gryphon

Gryphon: The Strength of the Incidental Tarot

Strength has always been one of my quintessentially favorite cards.  I love its message of transcendence: mind over matter (or heart over mind) and spiritual steadfastness over carnal desire.  I have often needed to remind myself of those challenges over the course of my life.  I am an artist, an intuitive, and an empath; sometimes this combination of sensitivities can be quite a lot to bear in times of stress.  Gryphon is a card that gives me strength when I feel overwhelmed…it reminds me to follow my heart, especially in those moments where my head just won’t settle down and let me see the world with clarity.

Recently, my fiancé and I took in a woefully neglected little stray kitty, sweet and desperate for attention, she clearly had not been cared for in months, if not longer.  We took her to the vet, got her some antibiotics and food and set her up in a spare room while she got comfortable and stronger.  It turns out she is an older kitty, probably around 10 years old, and struggling with hyperthyroidism and a probable accident that left her with arthritic hips and a loss of sensation in her tail.  Thankfully, she tested negative for Leukemia and FHIV, which is great, but even under the best of circumstances, she will be a special needs companion for the rest of her life.  We’re calling her Annapurrrna, since she purrs like clockwork and could use the blessing of the Hindu Goddess of Nourishment.

Annapurrrna1This is one of those Gryphon-inspired “lead with your heart” situations.  Every logical thought in my head told me this is never going to work in our house (we already have 3 cats in the household that don’t get along with each other), and she wouldn’t last a week in a shelter.  It will be an uphill battle trying to find her a permanent home, and there will be a lot of care and money to be spent in the meanwhile.  But the heart doesn’t obey logic, and I couldn’t (and still can’t) bear the idea of sending her off to a shelter where she’d be living in a cage with little or no hope of ever getting out again.  It was a leap of faith we made, scooping up that little sweetheart and making the commitment to give her a better life…and even now, I’m still looking down and not seeing any ground.

(***If you’d like to help us find little Annapurrrna a loving and permanent home, please see my note at the end of this blog.)

In traditional decks, the Strength card is often pictured as a maiden calmly taming the ferocious lion of adversity.  I love this image, but I see many more layers of meaning beyond the simple “beauty and the beast” aspect of this card.  I believe her strength actually comes from the lion itself, not in opposition to it, as the card might suggest.  Spiritual clarity, represented by the maiden, coupled with the might and physical endurance of the Lion indicates true strength; the unification of inner and outer resolve.

Gryphon is a symbol that incorporates both aspects of the traditional Strength card: the hybrid union of the eagle (spiritual power, grace, wisdom) and the lion (brute strength, prowess, valor).  Mythologically, the Gryphon is a powerful and majestic creature, thought to represent strength, courage, boldness, protection and intelligence.  It is also a symbol of heavenly power on earth, and was thought to be a guardian of divine knowledge and unseen treasures.  As opposed to many other fantastical creatures of ancient mythology, the Gryphon was frequently an ally to humanity, an icon of strength and leadership that was adopted as heraldry by king and country alike.  Like many of its raptor cousins, Gryphons were also thought to mate for life, and thus were emblems of loyalty and faithfulness.  In the Christian mythos, the Gryphon was associated with Jesus, being of both heaven (the eagle) and earth (the lion).

In many ways, Gryphon is a parallel of Chimæra (the Devil in traditional decks); a symbol of spiritual fortitude in opposition to that of vice and temptation. Chimæra represents the potential agonies of life on earth.  Gryphon on the other hand, possesses the strength of the lion with the freedom of the eagle, giving it the power of transcendence.  Gryphon is not trapped on this plane, but can travel freely between earth and heaven.  His claws, unlike Chimæra’s, are not meant to rip and destroy, but to hold fast, to carry us securely as we rise above adversity and the pitfalls of our misfortunes.

Maybe I need to see another parallel here: Gryphon represents the choice to save a life and make a sacrifice…and Chimæra represents the lonely and dangerous journey of a lost animal on the streets.  Kind of puts things in perspective when I get distracted by the doubt and worry. We took the leap, but now we need to hold onto that strength without knowing where the road is going to end.  That’s where real faith happens.

AnnapurrnaIf you distill it down, the eagle represents purity (spirit), and the lion, passion (body).  Individually, each has its own path to growth and enlightenment.  But when paired, passion and purity merge into a new force, an alchemical union of the body and spirit.  This is the ultimate Strength.

READING GRYPHON:  Gryphon is a signpost of transcendence.  When we are overwhelmed with the grievances of day to day life, Gryphon gives us something to hold onto, an reminder of our own divinity and the strength that is available to us when we combine spiritual resolve with earthly action.  He is our guardian and a beacon through times of adversity.  In a reading, Gryphon is a reminder not to give up the struggle, nor at the same time give in to either extreme of coping: the physical (workaholism) or the spiritual (escapism).  He embodies the qualities of endurance, balance, and fortitude.  Gryphon also reminds us that we are creatures of spirit, and must not succumb to victimization of circumstance; we must not endure to the point of being trod upon.  Hold yourself in strength and confidence, knowing that all earthly adversity is temporal.

To define Gryphon in a word: STEADFASTNESS.

REVERSED.  Weakness of the spirit, giving up, pessimism.  Falling victim to the outside forces of the world, feeling out of control and overwhelmed by circumstance. Giving in to vice.

***We are holding a fundraiser to offset Annapurrrna’s medical expenses!  Please visit my Etsy shop to see the special kitty merchandise…beautiful art, jewelry and accessories (more coming this week) for a worthy cause!  Or if you live in the SF bay area and are interested in adopting her, please email me directly at



That elusive spark of the Lovers

6 The Lovers

The Lovers of the Incidental Tarot

Have you ever felt that ecstatic rush when you meet that special someone…the one who ignites something inexplicable within you and sends your heart racing with anticipation?  That is the influence of the Lovers: intense feeling, pure passion.  The Lovers represents the moment of turning that occurs when you meet someone who will change your life in a profound way.  In the same sense, this card is also an indicator of perfect timing, that moment of serendipity within which we forge emotional or sexual bonds and experience epiphanies that propel us forward (or backward) on our path.  The Lovers also speaks of compelling esoteric connections, of coming together and a synthesis of ideas.  I discovered an aspect of this shortly after I completed the design for this card.

In the spring of 2011, I was immersed in esoteric imagery for a private project I was commissioned to do: an alchemical divination/meditation set of icons.  I love the realm of alchemy, with all its inherently mysterious and metaphorical conjurings.  Its imagery has always captivated me, though I don’t delve deeply enough in exploring its intense and often contradictory implications.  It is a study for which I would require another lifetime of dedication, and so in the here and now, I merely scratch the surface of its deeper wisdom.  But from time to time, I am struck by how simple and profound certain of its principles are, and how frequently they will appear (unbeknownst to my conscious mind) in my art.

Shortly after completing the Lovers, I went back to the alchemy project with renewed enthusiasm.  I began to go through the resources the client had compiled for me, for symbolism and explanation of the subjects he had commissioned.  “Solutio” was the aspect that caught my eye immediately.  I pulled up an antique engraving he had forwarded to me of the alchemical Solutio operation, and found to my shock several key elements that I had just incorporated into the Lovers.  The two trees, an apple and an oak, the man and woman coming together in and around the flow of water…it was too coincidental.  It was serendipitous.

Alchemical Solutio

Allegorical Solutio

The essence of the Solutio operation is a dissolving, a breaking down of the outer forms and constructs and return to the “Materia Prima,” or the pure matter that is the basis of all life.  Whether speaking chemically or metaphorically, Solutio is a sign of surrendering, merging, and loosening of physical barriers until all that is left is one…the soul, or materia prima.  And isn’t that in essence, what happens when we lose ourselves in love or lust?  We let go of the fears and barriers we place for ourselves, and submit gratuitously to the bliss of wild abandon.  We dissolve ourselves into union with another.

In many Tarot decks, the Lovers offers a twofold message.  Love, certainly.  Lust, frequently.  But there is also the inherent notion of a choice that the Lovers implies.  As if to indulge in a profoundly passionate love affair cannot be, in itself, sustainable.

The word passion is defined as “an intense emotion, compelling feeling, enthusiasm or desire for something.”  Ironically, the word comes from the ancient Greek term, passio, meaning to suffer.  Is it not a coincidence that in experiencing one extreme of love, that one must too often also experience its loss, evoking passion’s earlier, less fortunate meaning?  A balance must be struck with passion; for to make room for such a powerful connection in one’s life, one must often let go of something else.  And that is not always an easy decision.

READING THE LOVERS:  The Lovers indicates a powerful connection or union is emerging; destiny is at work to bring these two forces together. Most often, it represents the coming of an intensely passionate new relationship, a bond that has the power to change the course of the querent’s life.  The key to recognizing the influence of the Lovers is that profound sense of serendipity, as if every little twist of fate has ultimately led to this rapturous moment of meeting.  But it is not for The Lovers exclusively to dictate whether this newly discovered union paves the path for the future; look to the cards that come up with and around it to clarify its ultimate context within the querent’s life.  It is no doubt an important marker for the present, and its presence may imply a choice to be made that will directly impact the course of his or her life.

To define the Lovers in a word: PASSION.

REVERSED.  Complete denial of reason, destructive lust, disregard for current relationships.  Allowing extreme emotion to rule one’s life, inability to balance romantic relationships with the other aspects of life.


Cathedral: Structure Versus Control

5 Cathedral

Cathedral: The Hierophant of the Incidental Tarot

I racked my brains for weeks over Trump #5, and how to portray a card I’ve always held a certain repugnance for.  I’ve never been able to appreciate traditional renderings of this card, called the Hierophant, or the Pope.  Perhaps this is because I am inherently irreligious, and I find the inclusion of a Pope figure to be somewhat antithetical to a set of divinatory images, no matter what its historic or esoteric interpretation.  But in my musings, I realized that the Hierophant does not necessarily portray an individual religious leader, so much as it represents a very human institution of power.  The Hierophant is often associated with organized religion in general, and similarly, any large bureaucratic or hierarchical organization.  Higher education, governments and the legal system all fall within the realm of the Hierophant’s influence.

The Pope, at one time, was the most powerful person on earth, second only (according to the church) to God himself.  The Church was his vehicle on earth, and by its laws all men within its reach were compelled to live.  One can argue the validity of the Church’s sovereignty passionately on either side.  But what is clear to me, is that over the course of human history, we have a tendency and (I daresay) a biological need to create structures outside ourselves that control our behavior.  Historically, religion has been the dominant power structure of the last two millennia, and therefore the Hierophant (or the Pope) was a most appropriate icon.

As a work of art that arose from the power of the Church in the middle ages, Cathedral is an intricately beautiful reflection of that same power structure.  The character of its dubious benefactors aside, to look upon a cathedral’s sheer majesty and mastery of skill, it’s clear that the visionaries who actually built it were indeed motivated by spiritual aspiration, a divine spark that endures and outshines the darker undercurrents of control and abuse that have tainted its past.

I choose to see the vibration of this card in a broader, more positive light.   Every culture on earth has built great monuments to the Gods, whether the Greeks or the Hindu or the ancient Mayans.  Humanity has always strived to build something akin to the house of God on earth…a temple from which man could aspire to the perfection of his divine origins.  But such monuments of greatness cannot be manifest by an individual alone.  Teamwork, cooperation, guidance and organization are absolute necessities to achieve such wonders on earth.  In a way, one can think of these qualities as the opposite of hubris.  These are the highest values of Cathedral’s influence.

READING CATHEDRAL:  Cathedral is a card that indicates dedication, vision, and the mastery of skill needed to realize great ambitions.  Often this means submitting to the will of existing power structures (universities, governments, spiritual organizations) in order to have the support necessary to manifest such dreams. Or more properly, submitting to and cooperating with powers outside oneself, whether those are spiritual in nature or earthly.  If one enters into a relationship with these “powers that be” in a conscientious manner, it can be a truly beneficial learning experience. The danger lies in allowing such organizations too much control over your ideas, behavior, or lifestyle. To submit to an authority outside oneself—to the exclusion of oneself—is a dangerous path to wander down, for ultimately, only we are responsible for the choices we make.  Cathedral is also a card of the slippery slope of power. Just as a government can struggle to rise above its own excesses and abuses of power, such is the warning Cathedral can bring to an individual when it appears in a reading. On one hand, it represents the glory of a cooperative achievement, submitting to the wisdom that came before you, of jumping through the hoops of your chosen system and reaping the rewards of that effort. On the other hand, Cathedral warns of losing your individual spirit in the machinations of those constructs
we set outside ourselves.

To define Cathedral in a word: SUBMISSION.

REVERSED.  Oppression, usury, abuse of power.  Moralizing without conscience.  Submitting to religious or political morals against one’s own instinct.  Feeling powerless to break out of “the machine.”


The Emperor: his (and her) time has come.

4 The Emperor

The Emperor of the Incidental Tarot

I’ve written about the Emperor before. It was a dreary Monday last October…ironically, a day I was feeling rudderless and disempowered. I had just finished drawing the last of the Incidental Tarot cards, and was now back to the stressful yo-yo of the job search, and wondering how I was going to fare in the next six months.  It was not an inspiring day in any way, and I was grasping for the strength the Emperor offered to push forward and take hold of my life again.

Since launching this new Incidental Tarot site a couple of months ago, I began reposting the Major Arcana cards in chronological order; and today, once again I’m struck with the urge to write about the Emperor, which is perfect since he was next in the cue…just waiting for this moment.  I’m going to throw in some excerpts from my original musing last October in today’s post, to give you some perspective.

The theme of the Emperor today: Power and Oppression.

Revolution has been a-brewing since I first wrote about the Emperor.  The winds of scandal have been blowing furiously in recent weeks; a veritable cyclone of gender issues, women’s rights and public policy relating to both these has entrenched itself into the public consciousness. Perhaps the climate has been just right, with the radical fever of the Occupy Movement taking hold in the hearts and minds of everyday people all over the world…or maybe we are simply on the crux of another phenomenal leap of social consciousness, which is my sincerest hope.  Whatever the reasons, it is clear to me that the Emperor’s influence is rampant right now.

The duality of the Emperor lies in the precarious relationship between Power and Oppression.  Power itself is a pendulum; in its highest aspect, it liberates and elevates all to success and fulfillment.  In its basest aspect, it embodies the worst form of self-aggrandizement at the expense of others, discrimination and segregation.  We are in the throes of that duality right now.

The uprising began with a volcanic eruption within the pagan community over the exclusion and disrespect of transgender people by another group, and has continued to morph into a blazing outrage over Rush Limbaugh’s latest disgustingly public misogynistic rant.   Presumably, under the auspices of discrediting President Obama’s health care bill(s), Limbaugh viciously targeted a single woman who was fighting for the right (of all women) to have reproductive health care coverage. How do these two upheavals relate to the Emperor, you might ask?  They perfectly illustrate the conflict between arbitrary power and those fighting to overcome it.

“The Emperor represents earthly power and authority.  Leaders, kings and politicians look to the Emperor’s influence, a model for conquering obstacles and blazing a path to success and prosperity. No small shoes to fill, that’s for sure.  But the Emperor’s reach need not be as wide as the rule of entire countries. The real scope of the Emperor is over the bounds of his own destiny.”

The real scope of the Emperor’s reach is over the bounds of his own destiny.  Yes, I do believe that.  But I would like to amend that phrase now to “OUR own destiny.”  Our…Ours…Us, United.  We can no longer just aim for own rights and comfort and success.  Personal power is not simply limited to how we see ourselves as individuals and our place in the world; it is our god or goddess-given birthright as human beings and must be fought for—for the good of all.  To be denied any human right or respect or dignity because of gender, sexual orientation or spiritual belief is inexcusable on every level.  The Emperor’s most beneficent influence—no, rather the Emperor’s command is spreading across the divides of the disempowered.  SPEAK, ACT, ADVOCATE.  For yourselves and your brothers and sisters.

The rise of a just and powerful leader comes directly from the overwhelming need of a people to be heard, to be valued as individuals, their rights fought for when they cannot fight for themselves.  The Emperor UNITES the people, leading by example, empowering them to stand up for themselves, giving them strength in unity.   He is the ultimate inspiration to those who fight for freedom and dignity of all.

“The Emperor represents assertive action toward your goals, and the power to back it up.”

Yes, the Emperor represents authority and earthly power…but at his core, the Emperor is father, ruler and protector of his people; his obligation is to elevate—not subjugate—and empower every last soul under his influence to become responsible for his or her own destiny.  The Emperor is ordering us to claim our collective liberty: personal, social and political.  Revolt against the arbitrary powers that seek to discredit you, to disempower you, to rape your rights as a human being on this planet!  The time for quietly suffering in oppression is no more.

As one intelligent and eloquent woman, a Dr. Walton, PHd, put it succinctly (thank you internetz):

“We, the Women of America, want to express our deep felt appreciation for throwing down the gauntlet. You have awakened a sleeping giant. You have given us the power to crush the Republican party.  We are coming after all elected officials, Republican or Democrat who have failed us miserably.  Smart strong women are coming after you.”

The Emperor has been sleeping; it is true.  But all those fever dreams have finally awakened him (or her, if you like) to a surge of need.  The Emperor can be our collective role model rather than a symbol of human tyranny…encouraging us to stand up to discrimation, injustice, and oppression.  To re-empower ourselves and reclaim our lives and our future.

“We are ultimately the only party that can best identify and heal our weaknesses. And when we have done that, others will look to us with inspiration to surmount their own obstacles. The great gift of the Emperor is that his power begets the power of his followers.”


The Empress

3 The Empress

The Empress

The Empress, the Earth Mother.  She is a favorite among Tarot-philes, and I certainly count myself among them.  There is something overwhelmingly peaceful about the Empress; she is the epitome of goodness, abundance, and the nurturing hand of nature.  She holds a bundle of ripe wheat in one arm and a bouquet of wildflowers in the other, symbolizing sustenance and beauty, two of her most enduring attributes.  She emanates warmth with the golden glow of her gown and the bright sunburst behind her head.  The Empress is the embodiment of fertility; representing the fruits of the land and also the creative fruits of the spirit.

In contrast with the High Priestess; the Empress is entirely of the earth, the visible and the tangible world of the senses.  Her body is in perfect harmony with the earth, and she is a woman who purposefully takes part in the stewardship of her lands.  She is not a woman who is afraid to get her hands dirty!  Prosperity (of  the heart, not the pocketbook) and fertility are the gifts of the Empress, and blessed are those whose lives she touches.

As an artist and a nature lover, I have a special affinity for the Empress.  She governs both my gardens; the one that grows herbs and fruits and flowers, and also the one from whose soil flowers my creative spirit.  When I began the challenge of creating one piece of art each day at the beginning of 2011, I knew I was tapping into something powerful that I never had the confidence to recognize before.  It’s now quite clear to me that the Empress has been whispering in my ear from the very beginning.  I hadn’t been drawing for two weeks before people started remarking how wonderfully Tarot-esque my work was, and as the process gained momentum I realized that I was creating something much greater than a piece of art every day; I was channeling a BODY of work, for the first time since I graduated from art school so many years ago.  And it was good.

The day I drew the Empress I got an amazing wave of emotional feedback from my audience.  She really resonated with them, especially with the women, and I knew she had come to life for the deck.  The Empress is my totem for this intuitive and generative process I’ve immersed myself in.  When I get lost in the daily hubbub, or lose steam in my creative flow, I only need to look at her warm, reassuring face.  She reminds me that beauty is being born from me every day; some days are more glorious than others, but nevertheless.  Beauty, and abundance.

The Empress represents periods of glorious fertility and abundance in life.  The energy is flowing and the path to prosperity is in full bloom.  She is the icon of creation, embodiment and harmony with the earth.  When the Empress presents herself in a reading, you can be sure to experience profound contentment with your work in the world, whether that is creative or otherwise.  She is a beacon of light, warmth, compassion and nurturing, and she is telling you to stop and smell the roses, see the garden flourishing around you, and to be ready for the birth of something new in your world.

To define The Empress in a word: FLOURISHING.

REVERSED.  Living too much in the mind, feeling disconnected from the earth and the path.  Slow down, reap your harvest, recognize your accomplishments.


The High Priestess

2 The High Priestess

The High Priestess of the Incidental Tarot

The High Priestess…one of the most sensuous and feminine of all the trumps of the Tarot.  She is the incarnation of yin energy, consort to the Red King and spiritual mother to the rest of the Major Arcana.  She embodies the quintessential qualities of the water element: emotion, intuition and connection.  Poised to receive, bathed in the light of a full moon and immersed in the ocean, the High Priestess is one with the currents that connect us to the unseen realm, the realm of the magical.  This ability to feel, to see beyond the physical manifestation of energy and to tap into its source is the gift of the High Priestess.  Her feminine beauty is just a visual representation of the depth of her power.

I’ve always aspired to be like the High Priestess.  So elegant, so beautiful, so perfectly in tune with the world around her.  But despite my aspirations, I’ve always felt much more an affinity with the Empress, or Strength or Temperance, also feminine cards, but perhaps earthier, not as delicate or sophisticated as the High Priestess.  I think in some way I felt unworthy of her, too imperfect, too out of touch with what I understood as traditional feminine ideals.

When I was growing up, I never felt like “one of the girls.”  I was clumsy, chubby, awkward and envious.  I eventually found my identity and strength as a woman in unusual—and less socially acceptable ways.  I turned inward and explored things that stimulated my passion for the mysterious.  My earliest memories are colored by ghosts, witches and things that could not be explained.  While this interest of mine did not endear me to my greater circle of femkind as an adolescent (and in, fact branded me more of a misfit in the eyes of my peers) it did set me on the path that ultimately led me here today, creating my own Tarot deck.

What I couldn’t understand at that age, being bombarded by a media culture that elevates perfection, beauty, thinness (and conservative thinking) as the primary virtues of femininity…was that the deepest and most truthful aspect of being a woman has nothing to do with appearance and everything to do with how we relate to the world around us.  It is our nature to interact and respond with emotion, and in a deeper sense react intuitively to the people and circumstances we encounter.  But while we are forced into the physical ideals of femininity, we are lured away from its emotional aspect by society at an early age, our “sensitivity” frowned upon and suppressed.  It’s not generally a blessing to be sensitive in our society, but it is an advantage to be rational, logical and empirical.  Our culture does not value the spiritually inclined child, whether girl or boy.  As a result, children that feel those invisible connections that the High Priestess represents are fretted over and miscast, pushed into mundane roles and careers that do not suit their deepest nature.

The path of the High Priestess is not an easy one.  She is so deeply immersed in the currents of the unseen world, it can be hard for the people in her life to relate to her.  The role of the mystic is largely unsupported in our culture, its attributes looked down upon as hypersensitive, hysterical or even crazy.  Allowing her nature to come forth and flourish in a yang dominated world is challenging, but the power of the High Priestess can actually be cultivated with a small effort: recognition is the key.  Each of us, woman and man, is born with that universal connection the High Priestess embodies.  We can choose to suppress it or nourish it as we see fit, but the source is always there for us to tap into when the need arises.

READING THE HIGH PRIESTESS:  In a reading, the High Priestess indicates a strong connection to the unseen world.  Psychic energy, intuitive counsel, and the ability to see into potentiality are the messages of this card.  The High Priestess tells us to look beneath the surface, to feel the answers to our questions, and to trust our inherently feminine or receptive sense of knowing.  She can see the workings of destiny beyond what a mortal can perceive with purely physical senses.  She is an oracle and an intermediary between the physical and spiritual planes.  Her insight comes not from reaching out for answers, but from opening to the source and allowing its omniscience to flow in and be perceived.

To define the High Priestess in a word: PERCEPTION.

REVERSED.  Clouded judgment, confusion, apprehension of the unseen.  Feeling out of touch, alienated, awkward in your skin.  Unrealistic ideals, self-consciousness, self-doubt.