Solitude…the blessing and the curse of the sensitive soul.

9 Blue Buddha

Blue Buddha: The Hermit of the Incidental Tarot

I am an only child, and grew up completely at ease and happy in the company of myself.  I think intensely; I make connections; I draw deeply from the well of my creativity when I am alone.  But solitude is not always easy to obtain, especially once you become entrenched in the responsibilities of adulthood.  It can be exceedingly difficult to take time out in this fast paced, hyper-stimulated world.  We are always on the go, ever encouraged—even demanded—to think more, act more, produce more!  And yet the well, though it has an infinite supply of inspiration, can drift further and further away from us as we overload our minds with data and burden ourselves with higher expectations on a daily basis.  We get confused, stressed, overwhelmed, lost.

There is a balance we must strike between being productive and being receptive or at rest that is often best sought in solitude, away from the chaos of the outside world, away from the busy brains and agendas of our compatriots.  In solitude we can calm the mind, soothe the heart and empty ourselves of the trivial and distracting details that hold us back from achieving our destiny.  I was reminded of this frequently during my daily art challenge; it could feel extremely burdensome at times, when it seemed there was just not time enough in a day to accomplish all the goals I’d set out for myself.  Inevitably, if I didn’t take the time to “disconnect” and empty myself of expectations, whether creative or mundane, creative burnout followed and all my efforts were marked for failure.

Trump #9, in traditional decks known as the Hermit, is pictured as the Blue Buddha in the Incidental Tarot.  He is the seeker of knowledge and wisdom, he who is at peace in solitude.  In Eastern traditions, this blue-skinned figure is also the Medicine Buddha, a healing aspect of the universal buddha nature.  Blue is a spiritual color; it denotes peace, tranquility, and healing.  Blue Buddha finds the path to his enlightenment through disconnection with the details of daily life and a reconnection with Nature, the wider sphere of existence. The path of this Seeker is ultimately a solitary one.  By becoming completely removed and empty, he is open to the enlightenment of the star above him.   But solitary does not mean alone indefinitely; by disconnecting from the commotion of daily necessities, Blue Buddha opens to the pure, peaceful energy of the universe.

Blue Buddha

Blue Buddha Tarot Pendant on Etsy*

This card suggests a cleansing of cares…of the tedium we accumulate in our jobs, our relationships, our desires. Once refreshed by this experience, he can return to the world with a new vigor and a new approach to solving problems. He began as the Seeker and is transformed in his purposeful solitude into a dispenser of spiritual medicine to those who now seek his guidance.  On a broader scale, Blue Buddha represents a person who is drawn to the spiritual nature of life. Gentle and wise, he has an inherently calm demeanor that gives comfort and guidance to those who seek his friendship.

The flip side of Blue Buddha…the “curse” aspect of seeking solitude, is that there is always a danger of retreating too far, of alienating the outside world and the people who love you and wish you well.  “Loner,” “introvert,” and “recluse” might be ascribed to those whose pendulum swings far to the side of solitude and withdrawal. It is important to communicate the need for retreat and respite in a way that does not devalue the guidance and support of your loved ones.  For myself, I’ve learned that not everyone can understand an only child’s need reclaim their aloneness.  So in order to honor myself, mine is a daily practice of taking time out and nurturing what needs attention most in my soul, while still communicating my appreciation to those that love me.

READING BLUE BUDDHA:  Blue Buddha can represent the seeker himself, or the object of the search: guidance, wisdom, enlightenment. The means to this card’s message is the same: purposeful disconnection, meditation, solitude and spiritual healing.  Blue Buddha can also indicate a mentor or guide that can assist the Querent in his quest for peace of mind, meaning, and guidance. Profound insights can arise from a quieted mind, and also be channeled through it from the divine source. This meditative reprieve can be addressed on a small scale, such as taking a half-hour walk each day to clear the mind, or a larger one, like a long weekend camping trip in the great outdoors.  In whatever form feels best for the Querent, Blue Buddha advises a well-deserved respite.  A little bit of personal healing time and rejuvenation can do wonders for the stressed-out soul seeking counsel.

To define Blue Buddha in a word: SOLITUDE.

Reversed.  Overworked, stressed, disillusioned, lost.  Imprisoned by the material world and its responsibilities, or an inability to disconnect from its burdens.  Looking for answers in the wrong places, or refusing to look at all.  Succumbing to overwhelming stress.

* For a full catalog of the Major Arcana pendants available, see the Incidental Tarot section of my Etsy shop.