The Incidental Tarot - "A posse ad esse"  From possibility to actuality

The Quill Key

As the first card of the Quill suit, the Quill Key opens the door to the cycle of the Air element. Quills represent the traditional suit of swords, associated with intellect, learning and challenges. The Latin quotes “scribere est agere = to write is to act” and “acta non verba = actions not words,” illustrate the inherent relationship between thought and action. The Quill Key represents the raw potential of the air element: the power to discover, analyze and learn. It indicates new academic endeavors, new lines of communication, and data analysis. The Quill Key indicates a brisk new opportunity to clear the air, clean the slate and start fresh. It could symbolize anything from the resolution of a fundamental disagreement or intellectual conflict to embarking on a college degree program, or putting pen to paper in a debut novel.

Reversed: A cluttered and unfocused mentality result in failure to launch. Absentmindedness and disorder impede the pursuit of intellectual projects. Clean out the mental closets and reassess priorities. To be “full of hot air” might precede the vanishing of this opportunity “into thin air.”

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